
No Ar Coquetel Molotov 2017

visual identity/branding

No Ar Coquetel Molotov is an annual music festival held in Recife/Pernambuco, Northeast of Brazil since 2003. It's one of the biggest music festivals in Brazil, always bringing new artists to perform for the first time in the country. 2017 edition was held on a Golf Club and had more than 20 attractions, from pop music to traditional Brazilian beats and international acts. With all the 4k tickets sold out, the festival was a huge success (once again).

Coquetel Molotov was actually the first music festival I went in my life. It was amazing watching my favorite artists and then being able to create the visual for the 2017 edition was a full circle moment.

Art Agency

Art Director/Art Developer
Mônica Regis & Tereza Beltrão

Visual Artist
pedro nekoi

Beto Figueiroa, Tiago Calazans & Silla Cadengue


All rights reserved ︎ pedro nekoi 2024